Saturday, October 05, 2024

Logistics of traveling:

Logistics of traveling:

I always find myself obsessing over the weight and bulk of my bag - thinking about the powder, soap etc to reduce whatever weight and bulk. Kind of rubbish I should say. This time the issue is that 2 sets of long john - perhaps it is really to plan half the clothes and wash more often. As to the worry about clothes not drying in time, it should be a tropical Asia issue - check the humidity. Dry outdoors but bring indoors over night.

P.S: spectacles case is always useful

Money: it is still right to change $ locally - but because we are not US dollars or EURO dollars, it is not convenient to change in small cities like ulan ude .

Perhaps too, my body is getting old and it cannot take the pounding anymore- three days of consecutive midnight flights and trains, I felt like a walking zombie. The 3 days are from SG to Beijing, Beijing to ulan ude and then ulan ude to slyunvanka. Yeah, one day of midnight flight/ train needs to be recovered.

I feel that after all the neck pillow spoils, I am definitely getting one of those thick cushion ones even though they take up space.

Sent from my iPad, please excuse brevity.
Marcus Tay

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